castle in Budapest

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Join me as I recount my Intrepid travel tour group journey across Europe, exploring cities, landscapes and delicious food with a diverse group of fellow travelers.

Embarking on a solo adventure with a group tour can be both exciting and daunting. My experience with Intrepid Travel has been a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected moments, new friendships, and breathtaking discoveries.

buildings with orange rooftops, people kayaking in Cesky Krumlov

Day 1: Berlin – A Bumpy Start

My journey with Intrepid began in Berlin, a city full of history and vibrant culture.

I got there a day early so that I could explore the city on my own before the first group meeting. Therecwas so much to love about this city.

I loved going to the local coffee shop in the morning to get a cappuccino, pastry and a sandwich for later in the day. I walked on a local trail and explored the local culture. It was a great day in this wonderful city.

However, the initial moments were far from smooth. There was no WhatsApp group or easy way to connect with fellow travelers before the 6 pm meeting.

The absence of a free welcome dinner left us wondering if we would dine together after the orientation. The lack of a personalized itinerary added to the uncertainty.

My hostel experience in Berlin didn’t offer much solace. It was a place where guests kept to themselves, and despite mentioning my tour group, I received no information about fellow travelers or meeting points.

Yet, Berlin had its charms, and as I explored its quieter streets and found cozy cafes, my initial doubts began to fade.

Day 2: The Group Unites

As the day of the group meeting approached, I anticipated meeting my fellow travelers. The group leader introduced us to our itinerary and things to do. We decided to venture out for dinner together, marking the beginning of our shared experiences.

My first impression of the Intrepid travel tour group was that it needed improvement in the way of communication and that I would have liked to have an itinerary before we got there.

The tour guide was friendly and as we went along the Intrepid travel tour was very knowledgeable about the different areas and places to go.

Overall it was still a great experience, but with how long they had been doing tours I found these little details were kind of strange.

Day 3: Berlin to Wroclaw – Rainy Adventures

Our journey continued as we boarded a train to Wroclaw. Despite the rain, we explored the charming city with its numerous churches and hunted for hidden gnomes. A pierogi restaurant offered a taste of delicious Polish cuisine, and the day ended with a sense of camaraderie.

Day 4-6: Krakow – Salt Mines and Auschwitz

In Krakow, we delved into history, visiting the Salt Mines and Auschwitz. The city buzzed with activity as locals and tourists alike made the most of their days. Krakow’s vibrant atmosphere was contagious, and I began to appreciate the city more.

This was a great experience and one I don’t know if I would have had if I didn’t go on this Intrepid Travel tour. It wasn’t in the itinerary, but a lot of people wanted to go so we signed up to take the tour.

It came out of our pocket, but it was a great deal I booked on Viator. You can book it as well below.

Day 7: Prague – A Bumpy Evening

Prague’s beauty was undeniable, with its historic landmarks and sweets shops. However, a misunderstanding left me feeling isolated during dinner, highlighting the challenges of being the only solo traveler in a group primarily composed of couples and friends.

My Solo Adventure with Intrepid really was a great experience even with the ups and downs. No trip is perfect, you just have to dust off the day and be ready for the next.

Day 8: Cesky Krumlov – Rediscovering Joy

Cesky Krumlov’s picturesque setting and proximity to the town square reignited my enthusiasm. I enjoyed exploring the town, indulging in delicious ice cream, and feeling more connected to my fellow travelers.

I loved this town so much, it was one of my favorites on my Intrepid Travel tour. I never would have thought of visiting here before, but I’m so glad I got the chance to go.

Eating and Drinking: Savor Czech cuisine and local beers at the town’s restaurants, pubs, and breweries.

Shopping: Browse local craft shops for unique souvenirs, such as ceramics, glassware, and handmade products.

Český Krumlov Castle: Explore the stunning Český Krumlov Castle, one of the largest in Europe. Visit the castle’s interior, which includes the Baroque Theater and Castle Museum, and enjoy panoramic views from the castle tower.

Český Krumlov Castle Gardens: Wander through the beautifully landscaped gardens surrounding the castle, featuring terraced layouts, fountains, and sculptures.

Old Town: Stroll through the charming cobbled streets of the Old Town, lined with colorful Renaissance and Baroque buildings. Don’t miss the main square, Svornosti Square, with its historic houses and cafes.

churches in Krakow

Day 9: Vienna – A Day of Delights

Vienna proved to be a delightful city with its rich history, delicious food, and a surprise opera performance. The day was filled with memorable experiences.

We even enjoyed an unexpected sweet treat on this Intrepid travel tour. I knew I wanted to try the local must have dessert, which is a Sacher Torte.

I was planning on going later that day to get one, but it was a welcome surprise when our tour guide took us to a local coffee house for dessert and a cappuccino. It was so delicious and everything I had dreamed of.

Schönbrunn Palace: Explore the opulent former imperial palace, its stunning gardens, and the Gloriette for panoramic views of Vienna.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral: Admire the intricate architecture and climb the tower for a breathtaking view of the city.

Belvedere Palace: Visit this Baroque masterpiece housing an impressive collection of Austrian art, including works by Gustav Klimt.

Vienna’s Coffeehouses: Savor a slice of Sachertorte and a cup of coffee at one of Vienna’s historic coffeehouses like Café Central or Café Sacher.

Day 10: Budapest – Split by the Danube

Budapest’s unique layout, split between Buda and Pest, made for an interesting exploration. A fellow traveler and I embarked on our own adventure using Big Bus Tours.

This day was one of the most fun on my Intrepid travel tour, but also really hot. We had a great time jumping on and off the bus to explore the different castles and sights.

Buda Castle: Explore the historic Buda Castle complex, which includes the Royal Palace, Fisherman’s Bastion, and Matthias Church. The views of the city from here are breathtaking

Chain Bridge: Walk or drive across the iconic Chain Bridge, one of Budapest’s most recognizable landmarks, connecting Buda and Pest.

Parliament Building: Admire the grandeur of the Hungarian Parliament Building, particularly impressive when lit up at night.

Heroes’ Square: Visit this important square, featuring the Millennium Monument and statues of famous Hungarian leaders.

Day 11: Slovenia – A Long Day of Travel

A lengthy train and bus journey brought us to Bled, a place of breathtaking natural beauty.

Something I thought I would never do is River Rafting, but some other people were doing it from the Intrepid travel tour group, so I thought I would try it.

The waters were so crystal-clear and we even hiked to a waterfall before river rafting. It was a lot of adventure and made for a memorable day.

This day really made me grateful that I went on this solo adventure with Intrepid, otherwise I don’t know if I ever would have experienced this stunning place.

12: Venice – A Brief Encounter

Venice, though beautiful, felt overcrowded with tourists. I wondered if it lived up to its reputation. I was only there for a day be cause I had accidentally booked my flight home for the next day instead of staying another day to explore.

I had seen most of what I wanted to see, so it wasn’t a big deal. It was a nice city, but a day or 2 might be all you need. There were definitely other cities I liked more.

brown and orange church Wroclaw

St. Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco): Visit Venice’s iconic square, home to St. Mark’s Basilica, the Doge’s Palace, and the Campanile (bell tower). Explore the intricate architecture and enjoy a coffee at one of the historic cafés.

St. Mark’s Basilica: Admire the stunning Byzantine architecture and intricate mosaics of this famous cathedral. You can also take an elevator to the Campanile for panoramic views.

Doge’s Palace: Explore the opulent Doge’s Palace, which once housed Venice’s rulers. Don’t miss the Bridge of Sighs, which connects the palace to the prison.

Venice Grand Canal: Take a Vaporetto (water bus) ride along the Grand Canal to see the picturesque buildings and historic palazzos lining the waterway.

Rialto Bridge: Cross the iconic Rialto Bridge, one of Venice’s most famous landmarks, and explore the Rialto Market nearby.

Gondola Ride: Enjoy an amazing gondola ride through Venice’s winding canals, and soak in the city’s unique charm.


My journey with the Intrepid travel tour group was filled with highs and lows, challenges and a lot of breathtaking beauty that I am so glad I got to experience.

While some aspects, like the absence of local guides and occasional miscommunications, left room for improvement, the opportunity to explore Europe with a diverse group of travelers in this Intrepid travel tour group was an enriching experience.

As a solo traveler, I found moments of connection, rediscovered my sense of adventure, and gained a deeper appreciation for the world around me with my solo adventure with Intrepid .

While it wasn’t always easy, the journey was undoubtedly worth it, reminding me that the beauty of travel often lies in the unexpected.

My trip with Intrepid taught me you can’t rely on anyone else to have fun. The trip might not always e what you expected or go as planned, but you have to make do with what you’ve got and have fun.

I would definitely go on another tour with Intrepid travel tour group in the future.

Be courageous and go out and try something new.

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